Sunday, September 30, 2007

Termination Checklist

Employee is making work errors or exhibiting behaviors which are unacceptable. Investigate and define the problem, attempt to remedy the problem, and then monitor the employee for improvement. If the problems continue, consult and document disciplinary action or the appropriate policies at your organization. Review any policies to make sure you follow all procedures. Obtain a second opinion.

Continuing non-improvement leads down the disciplinary action path to suspension or termination. Based on policies, treatments of other staff, and severity of problems, determine if path leads to termination or suspension with the next step being termination.
If termination is the determined outcome, consult legal for issues, obtain a second opinion, consult severance package, benefits/cobra, letters of references, and address email and phone forwarding issues before termination date.

Schedule a termination meeting:

1. State reason for meeting.
2. Thank employee for his/her efforts.
3. State the decision is a company-wide decision based on the employee's current disciplinary action.
4. State that you cannot find other positions within company that would be more suitable.
5. Discuss the company policies on all items with the employee (severance package, benefits, COBRA, letters of reference.)
6. Obtain keys, badges, etc. from the employee. Inform employee when they can pick up their stuff.
7. Stand up and shake hands, stating Good Luck to you. Escort person out of the building.

Notify staff the next day in a brief email or at the next meeting.

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